Heather Witherow » Welcome!


About Me
Hi! My name Heather Witherow. I teach 7th Grade Ancient Civilizations! I love all things history and am very passionate about guiding students to developing an appreciation for history. I am a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University and Schreyer Honors College alumni. Outside of my love for history, I enjoy drawing, painting, playing video games, dancing, reading, and watching Shark Week!
The 7th grade team communicates with parents through many different platforms.
  • Email: student praises or concerns are communicated through email or Skyward to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student.
  • 7th Grade Communication Board: upcoming assignments, class agendas, and school event information are communicated through the 7th Grade Communication Board. Parents will be sent information about how to access this board at the beginning of each school year. 
  • Ancient Civilizations Newsletter Board: detailed class agendas and instructions for each day are communicated through the Ancient Civilizations Newsletter Board. Parents and students can access this board through the 7th Grade Communications Board.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email at [email protected].