Transportation » Transportation



Transportation Guide



  1. Make sure your student is comfortable telling the bus driver their first and last name.
  2. We require a parent or other designated adult to be at Pre-K/Kindergarten stops so that the student reaches their home safely after exiting the bus. If an adult is not present, we will bring your student back to their school for you to pick up.
  3. When at the bus stop, students should wait on their home side of the street. They should not cross the street until the bus stops, the red lights have been activated on the bus, and all traffic has stopped.
  4. Talk to your child’s teacher and bus driver about any health issues or special traveling instructions for your child.



If your child is not going to utilize district transportation, please be sure to notify your building secretary in writing on the first day of school. Example:  John Doe, Grade K, Mrs. Smith’s class, will be a walker until further notice.

There are designated parent pick up locations at each school –

Miles Township – Parents pickup/drop off is located at the playground blacktop area located to the right of the main door.

Penns Valley Elementary –parent pickup/drop off is located on the west side of the building. When entering the driveway, turn right and follow the drive to the top of the hill in the back of the building.

Centre Hall Elementary - Upon entering the Centre Hall Elementary School premises, the parent pickup/drop off is located in the very first (1st) parking lot that you come to; it will be straight in front of you.  (There will be a bigger parking lot to your right side, which is where faculty and staff will park, as well as any building visitors).

If you plan to pick up your child rather than using the District transportation, you must send a note with them to school or call/email the building secretary prior to 2:00 pm
  1. Occasionally your child may need to get off at a different stop or ride another bus; they must bring a note with them to school. Students can only ride to an already established stop that is currently being used by other students.
  2. The note MUST contain the bus number and the stop name that they will be using and be signed by a parent or guardian.
The note will be stamped in the office and given back to them to present to the driver when boarding the bus.


Penns Valley Area School District requests that all students/parents be at their bus stops ten minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival.  If your child misses the bus due to lateness it is the parent’s responsibility to provide transportation for the student.  School buses are on a schedule and will not return to a bus stop for students who missed the bus due to lateness.
Your child must be at the stop waiting for the bus and be visible by the driver.   Students should not wait inside their front doors until the bus arrives.  It is NOT the responsibility of the driver to look for your student or to wait for your student who is not at the stop when the bus arrives. 
In the afternoon, parents must be at the stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival times.  Buses might run early due to traffic, not having to complete a stop or portion of the run or school events such as track and field where a large number of students are parent transported that day. 

Please fill out Form F810-B Student Transportation Change Request and send to the  the transportation office by email at [email protected] if you are moving or changing before or after school care to arrange for a new stop.  We ask that you try to do this at least 10 days in advance of the change taking effect. 

If your child rides the bus, please share these safety tips with them:
  • Stand a safe distance away from the curb while waiting for the bus.
  • Sit in your seat facing the front of the bus and listen to the bus driver.
  • Remind your child to always use an inside voice when riding on the bus.
  • Remain in your seat until the bus comes to a complete stop.
  • When getting on or off the bus, look both ways to make sure no cars are coming.


In an effort to keep our young students safe, it is the practice of Penns Valley Area School District not to release Pre-K/Kindergarten students from the bus unless a parent or other designated adult is in view of the driver.  In an emergency if someone else will be meeting your child at their bus stop, please call transportation at 814-422-2000 Ext. 2528 or your building secretary to let us know, so we can inform the driver.   Working together we can keep our children safe.

BUS RULES - Please review the following rules with your child. 
Behave as you would in the classroom
Cooperate with the driver
If the driver has assigned you a seat, use only that seat
Be courteous – do not use objectionable language
Do not soil or harm anyone or anything
Do not eat or drink while aboard
Do not use alcohol, drugs, or tobacco while aboard
Stay in your seat while the vehicle is moving
Keep your head, hands, and feet and all items inside the vehicle
Obey all rules in the student handbook